Here are some numbers related to our trip:
We drove a total of 21.307 kilometers to Buenos Aires, in exaclty 4 months. The average fuel consumption was 28 miles
per gallon, we spent U$S 837.50 in diesel, and consumed 475 gallons of it. We only spent U$S 3 in propane, even though we
constantly used the stove to cook throughout our whole trip.
We spent a total of 74 nights in "Guapo", 27 at friend`s homes, and only 18 in hotels.
Fuel Expenses per Country.
USA: 109 U$S
Mexico: 254 U$S
Belice: 16 U$S
Guatemala: 40 U$S
Honduras: 12.50 U$S
Nicaragua: 7 U$S
Costa Rica: 69 U$S
Panama: 28 U$S
Ecuador: 14 U$S
Peru: 166 U$S
Bolivia: 46.50 U$S
Argentina: 75.50 U$S
Fuel costs, per gallon, by country (April-July 2002)
USA: 1.40 U$S
Mexico: 2.09 U$S
Belice: 2.25 U$S
Guatemala: 1.25 U$S
Honduras: 1.50 U$S
Nicaragua: 1.58 U$S
Costa Rica: 1.70 U$S
Panama: 1.50 U$S
Ecuador: .90 U$S
Peru: 2.10 U$S
Bolivia: 1.75 U$S
Argentina: 1.40 U$S